I have a few internal sites that help me manage data. CakePHP's paginate() function is wonderful when it comes to getting functional tables with content quickly.
The thing about watching paginated data is that I use it in a certain context - for example right now I'm looking at all my recipes sorted by creation date, because I want to edit some of those that I added in the second half of last year. The problem is that whenever I click on something other than links generated by this paginator (for example I edit one of the recipes) and then go back to the list, I have to set sorting again.
Here's a short code that makes Cake remember in session how were my recipes sorted last time:
if(isset($this->params['named']['sort'])) { // user clicked on a "sort by" link, write his choice to the session
elseif($this->Session->check('recipes_sort')) { // user has "saved" his sorting preference before
$this->paginate['order'] = $this->Session->read('recipes_sort');
Drop it in your controller's action (for example recipes/index) before you call $this->paginate();.
Hi, a different solution
Hi, a different solution could be storing $this->referer() in edit actions.
you cant use the referer as
you cant use the referer as if you go to /edit and save with $this->redirect($this->referer()) the referer is /edit. to use the referer you have to save it in a hidden field and then redirect to the value in there, which is just as much pain.
Have a look at Matt Curry's
Have a look at Matt Curry's method of doing this:
I think it is much more general and does not require so many changes to the code.
Thanks Matt for wonderful
Thanks Matt for wonderful solution.
Code was easy to change to make it recall the show/limit parameters too.